"your unrivaled source for cleaner air"

Breathe Easy

Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire™ attaches to centralized forced air ventilation systems for destruction of PATHOGENS and CHEMICALS, and the reduction of SMOKE and RADN levels, to create healthier work and living environments!

Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire ™


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Pete the Plumber along with Reinhard and Dean of Ti-DOX discuss how the HydroxylizAire works, while installing one in Calgary Stampeders coach Dave Dickenson’s home.

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Alberta tech company developed air decontamination device to help mitigate indoor airborne germs and toxins.

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If you suffer from respiratory problems and/or chemical sensitivity issues, or you just want the benefits of removing indoor airborne germs and toxins that pass-through filters, this could be a great solution for you.

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HydroxylizAire™ germicidal and chemical destruction technology explained by Ti-DOX EnviroTek owners during interview at Wellness Clinic.

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HydroxylizAire™ “amazing improvement”

Air Emergency

Did you know indoor air has up to five times the viruses, bacteria and toxins as outdoor air? Even the most modern ventilation systems don’t destroy germs and toxins – they just spread them around.

Health effects

Poor indoor air quality can cause short-term health problems like headaches or eye, nose and throat irritation. However, long term exposure can cause respiratory disease, damage to the central nervous system or even cancer. Damage from exposure to airborne pollutants may not become apparent immediately.


Most of us spend a lot of time indoors, working in an office building all day and staying in our homes all evening. In fact, people spend an estimated 90% of their time indoors. Those who are exposed to poor indoor air for long periods of time are often the most susceptible to its detrimental effects. 


There are so many sources of airborne pollutants that it’s impossible to eliminate each one. Some common contaminants include fireplaces, gas or wood stoves, cleaning fluids, building materials, furniture, germs, toxins and more. The more sources you are exposed to, the greater the risk.

Say hello to the world's
most effective air cleaner.

The Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire

Destroys airborne germs and toxins
Suitable for confined, occupied spaces
Brings affordable peace of mind
Protects 24/7
Requires minimal maintenance
Simple and easy installation

Learn how Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire’s featured patented design helps improve indoor air quality in schools, offices, hospitals, commercial facilities, homes, care centres, and more.