People spend about 90% of their time indoors, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). That means your indoor air quality (IAQ), whether at work or at home, is extremely important to your health. And you might not even be aware that IAQ can typically be up to about five times more contaminated than outdoor air.
Think about the effort you might put into choosing natural or organic foods. Or the money you spend on bottled water and filters. Do you put that much energy or care into ensuring the air you breathe is clean and healthy? You only eat three meals a day and you might drink eight glasses of water, but the average person takes17,000 or more breaths per day. It doesn’t take much math to figure out you might want to put more care into the air you breathe than what you eat or drink. So to help you out, we’ve created a list of six types of chemicals in common household items that can affect your indoor air quality.
Chemicals to avoid: ethanol, methanol, isopropyl alcohol
Found in: hairspray, nail polish and remover, perfumes, rubbing alcohol
Negative effects: irritated skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs; nausea, vomiting and seizures
Chemicals to avoid: formaldehyde, hexanal
Found in: furniture, carpets, plywood, linoleum, paints, building materials
Negative effects: watery eyes, coughing, nausea, skin irritation, headaches
Chemicals to avoid: n-Butane, n-Pentane, n-Hexane, n-Heptane, n-Octane
Found in: spray products, cosmetics, vehicle exhausts, paint thinner, spot removers, leather treatments, pest control products, furniture polishes
Negative effects: drowsiness, light-headedness, nose and throat irritation, lung irritation, headache, loss of consciousness
Chemicals to avoid: benzene, toluene, xylene, styrene, naphthalene
Found in: deodorizers, moth balls, air fresheners, insecticides, paint thinner, furniture polish, vehicle exhausts, oil-based paints, contact cement
Negative effects: vomiting, stomach irritation, convulsions, anemia, fainting, death
Chemicals to avoid: acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and methyl isobutyl ketone
Found in: PVC products, adhesives, contact cement, UV cured varnishes
Negative effects: nose, throat, lung and eye irritation; headache, dizziness, confusion, vomiting
Chemicals to avoid: pinene and limonene fragrance additives (pine and lemon scent)
Found in: Cosmetics, air fresheners, cleaning agents, disinfectants
Negative effects: while these chemicals aren’t toxic on their own, when released into the air they can react with ozone to produce formaldehyde
In addition to avoiding these common chemicals when possible, you should consider investing in an air purification device to keep you safe when chemicals can’t be avoided. The Ti-DOX SterilizAire™ provides 24/7 protection throughout your entire house or office. It simultaneously destroys airborne germs and chemicals to deliver the cleanest indoor air imaginable.