Give the gift of clean air

The holiday season has arrived, and it’s time to start shopping for loved ones. While gift giving can be a ton of fun, it can also be tricky to find that trendy or unique gift for everyone each year. (And you can only give so many throw blankets and coffee mugs) So this year we propose a gift that shows how much you care for their health and wellbeing: the world’s most effective air purifier.

We know, it doesn’t track your blood oxygen levels or provide massage therapy, but it’s just as high-tech and the entire household will benefit. That’s because Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire destroys germs and toxins as air moves through your ventilation system. It’s not a machine you plug in to clean the air in one small room – it cleans the air throughout your entire house 24 hours a day!

You might be thinking that’s great, but the air in my house is clean thank you very much. But did you know indoor air has up to five times the viruses, bacteria and toxins as outdoor air? There are so many ongoing sources of indoor airborne pollutants including fireplaces, gas or wood stoves, cleaning fluids, perfumes and cosmetics, building materials, furniture and more. Poor indoor air quality can cause short-terms problems like headaches or eye, nose and throat irritation. However, long term exposure can cause respiratory disease, damage to the central nervous system or even cancer. And unfortunately, damage from exposure to airborne pollutants may not become apparent for years.

So give a gift that will help keep them healthy for years to come. The Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire is made in Calgary, Canada and uses a combination of hydroxyl radicals and UVC light in a patented design to destroy airborne germs and toxins without the use of filters. It’s affordable peace of mind that will help you and those you love breathe easy.

If you’re ready to find out more about Ti-DOX, we would love to review your home or business requirements with you. Contact us here.

About Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire

Designed to easily attach to any existing furnace or HVAC system, the Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire cleans air as it flows through the chamber using a patented based 8-way design. It uses UVC technology to safely generate powerful hydroxyl radicals to neutralize and destroy harmful pollutants. It works 24/7, giving you total peace of mind.

If you’re ready to find out more about Ti-DOX, we would love to review your home or business requirements with you. Contact us here.