Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire™



Connect with these trusted
Ti-DOX affiliates for all your
Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire™ needs.

ChillHR is a multi-faceted organization that provides marketing, sales support, networking for HR and entrepreneurs (both in person and online), and a robust discount program (Chill Offers). We are very happy to have partnered with Ti-DOX to provide sales and marketing support for the Ti-DOX line of products through our “Chill Referral Rewards” program and direct sales.

As an additional bonus, all of our ChillHR members receive monetary compensation for their successful referrals to any of our partners through our program. Some of the industries we support currently include hotels, clothing, therapy, promotional materials, printing (large and small formats), Government Grant writing services, SR&ED Tax credit applications, and more.

Please visit us at www.chillhr.com to find out more about how you can become a part of our community.

#14, 4550-112 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2C 2K2

“Pete the Plumber’’ has served the Calgary area since 1999 and achieved numerous well-deserved accolades for plumbing/heating/air conditioning. Now … added to the company’s inventory of mainstay quality products is the one-of-a-kind Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire™ … capable of achieving unrivaled indoor air purification in residential homes and commercial facilities via simultaneous destruction of airborne toxic chemicals and harmful germs.

Trevor Neitz