24/7 protection
Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire™ attaches to forced air ventilation systems for the destruction of PATHOGENS and CHEMICALS, and reduction of SMOKE and RADN levels, throughout the entire Home environment!
Think the air in your home is clean?
Think again!

Indoor air has about a 2 to 5 times higher concentration of viruses, bacteria and toxins than outdoor air. Paint, furniture, disinfectants, air fresheners, flooring and more are a major source of contamination in confined spaces.

Among other conditions, poor indoor air quality can cause or contribute to infections, cancer and chronic lung diseases according to the American Lung Association. Common pollutants include bacteria and viruses, dust mites, cleaning supplies, mold spores and more.
Typical HydroxylAire™ installation(s) on forced air ventilation systems.

There are 2x-5x more viruses, bacteria and toxins indoors vs. outside

Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire attaches to your HVAC system to destroy airborne germs and toxins without recirculating them back into the shared environment.
Learn how our patented based 8-way design simultaneously destroys germs and toxins with minimal maintenance.