Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire provides more advantages than other air cleaners including UV lamps, ozone generators, HEPA air purifiers or carbon filters. Ti-DOX HydroxylizAire is a fully contained system that works 24 hours a day, is safe to use in occupied spaces and requires little to no maintenance apart from replacing a UVC bulb about every 12-18 months. Check out the test results here to see the Ti-DOX difference.
Ships with two (2) UVC HydroxyLamps, four (4) 100mm diameter duct connectors and one (1) 4.5m long power cord.
If you are passionate about clean indoor air, connect with us!
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
© 2022 by Ti-DOX | Prices in Canadian Dollars
If you are passionate about clean indoor air, connect with us!
Calgary, Alberta, Canada | © 2024 by Ti-DOX